Chlorine Dioxide Safe to Drink

According to the FDA, neither bleach nor chlorine dioxide is safe to drink. The FDA states that they are one and the same, even though chemically, they are not. They are And anyone would agree that drinking these substances is not a good idea. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), if you ingest …

Safety of Chlorine Dioxide

You may have access to a wide variety of information when checking into the safety of chlorine dioxide and as you will find, there is a great deal of contradictory information in the media and it’s hard to decipher what is real and what is propaganda. So, the best you can do is the best …

Demystifying Chlorine Dioxide Intelligence

Chlorine dioxide is an extremely powerful compound that appears to intelligently seek out and destroy elements that are destructive to the human body while preserving healthful bacteria and such. Realistically, it’s not so much about intelligence as it is an act of brilliant chemistry. How Does Chlorine Dioxide Differentiate Good Bacteria from Bad? The chlorine …

EPA Chlorine Dioxide Safety and FDA Warnings

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been a big fan of chlorine dioxide since 1967. Since then, it has been used as a disinfectant and sanitizer, sterilizer, water purifying agent, and a method of purifying questionable surface water in the field, which it was approved for by the EPA chlorine dioxide in 2006 at a …