MMS, Pathogen Removal, and/or Detoxification Tips for Cancer

Cancer, a complex and devastating disease, has been the subject of extensive research and numerous treatment modalities over the years. While conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation have shown significant efficacy, there is a growing interest in alternative methods that focus on addressing the root causes of cancer. Let’s take a look at alternative cancer therapies that target pathogens within the body, Jim Humble’s MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement), pathogen removal strategies, and the importance of detoxification, including Wayne Rowland’s Clean Me Up Program.

Understanding MMS

Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), formerly known as Miracle Mineral Supplement, was developed by Jim Humble and has gained attention for its potential to combat various infections, including Malaria. Humble’s approach involves the use of Sodium Chlorite, which, when activated with an acetate like citric acid, produces Chlorine Dioxide that can be used within the body. This compound is widely available was chlorine dioxide water purification drops to make standing water in the field safe to drink and acts as an oxidant, effectively killing microbes and pathogens.


Jim Humble’s book, The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium, provides valuable insights into the workings of MMS within the body and its documented success in treating conditions like Malaria and HIV/AIDS. The approach has reportedly cured thousands of patients and offers a unique perspective on pathogen elimination as a means to combat diseases.

Targeting Pathogens and Parasites

The cancer fungus, often attributed to prolonged psycho-emotional stress, is increasingly recognized as a leading cause of cancer worldwide while parasites and pathogens pave the way. Many alternative cancer therapies, inspired by this understanding, center their treatments around the elimination of fungi and parasites. Notable examples include Jim Humble’s Cancer Protocol, and Wayne Rowland’s Clean Me Up Program.

These therapies aim to create a pathogen-free environment within the body to support the healing process. By addressing the potential role of fungi and parasites in cancer development, these alternative methods provide an open-minded approach to cancer treatment.

Detoxification and Immune System Support

A robust immune system plays a crucial role in defending the body against cancer and other diseases. However, several factors can weaken the immune system, including high cortisol levels from stress, depleted melatonin and dopamine levels, pathogen microbes, and the use of chemotherapy and radiation.

Furthermore, cancer patients often experience an overload of toxins, primarily in the liver and colon, two vital immune system organs. These toxins include mycotoxins, acidic waste products, and various other byproducts from the cancer-fungus, poor dietary choices, exposure to chemicals, alcohol, and tobacco, as well as the use of antibiotics and chemotherapy agents.

To support the immune system and aid cancer treatment, it is crucial to address these toxin-related challenges. Detoxification plans that target the liver, colon, gall bladder, and kidneys can help alleviate the burden on these organs and promote overall well-being.

Exploring the Clean Me Up Program

Another innovative approach to pathogen elimination and detoxification is the Clean Me Up Program developed by Wayne Rowland. This program revolves around the use of colloidal silver water, created using Tesla-generated lightning to produce suspended silver particles. The program is reputed to eliminate a wide range of pathogens and toxins without compromising the immune system.

While there is no formal manual for the Clean Me Up Program, information can be found through online searches. It’s worth noting that Wayne Rowland suggests incorporating a veterinary dewormer as part of the protocol and recommends a commitment of at least three months for optimal results.

In the quest to combat cancer, an open-minded exploration of alternative treatment methods can offer new perspectives and possibilities. MMS, pathogen removal strategies, and detoxification regimens represent innovative approaches that aim to address the root causes of cancer and support the body’s natural healing mechanisms. While further research and clinical validation are essential, these alternative methods provide hope and options for those seeking alternative avenues in their battle against cancer.

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