How Does MMS or Chlorine Dioxide Work to Heal the Human Body

If we begin with the premise that “it is really the body that cures disease and heals damage,” then we can conclude that Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), or Chlorine Dioxide, is not a direct cure. Instead, it is a powerful tool that supports the immune system by providing it with a highly effective weapon to …

M*M*S* – Some History of Chlorine Dioxide

In 1814, the chemical Chlorine dioxide was discovered by Sir Humphry Davy. He experimented with adding sulfuric acid (H2SO4) to potassium chlorate (KClO3). He found an antimicrobial biocide recognized in the early 1900s for eliminating bacteria. Since then, it has been well-known for its disinfectant properties. In the 1930s, chlorine dioxide was used more frequently …

Chlorine Dioxide Industrial or Therapeutic?

Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing/disinfecting agent used worldwide for decades to remove bio-contamination from water and other surfaces. Food factories traditionally use it to eliminate E. coli, especially in raw chicken preparation. Because it is so safe, there is no need to wash it off after use. However, its use has recently expanded beyond …

EPA Chlorine Dioxide Safety and FDA Warnings

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been a big fan of chlorine dioxide since 1967. Since then, it has been used as a disinfectant and sanitizer, sterilizer, water purifying agent, and a method of purifying questionable surface water in the field, which it was approved for by the EPA chlorine dioxide in 2006 at a …