Jim Humble and his team were prospecting for gold in South America in 1996. When several of his colleagues went down with malaria, Humble gave them the stabilized oxygen that was used to sterilize the water, since that was all he had to give. Within just a few hours they were fully recovered.
Astonished at the response, he treated other sufferers that he came across on this travel. The results were usually the same as his colleagues, a complete recovery from malaria within a matter of hours.
After his return to the USA, Humble wanted to know why the product worked to overcome malaria and also why it did not work for everybody. After a long period of study and experimentation, he discovered that the active ingredient in stabilized oxygen is not oxygen, but chlorine dioxide.
Chlorine dioxide is produced by the human body as part of its immunity. It gets converted to hypochlorous acid via several steps. It is hypochlorous acid that kills the pathogens. It is often deficient, however.
Chlorine dioxide supercharges the immune system enabling it to destroy yeasts, parasites, molds, bacteria, and viruses. It does not harm healthy cells, nor does it harm the friendly bacteria in the gut.
Stabilized oxygen didn’t create enough chlorine dioxide to overcome malaria with any certainty so he created a product that was eight times stronger. It proved to be totally effective. Over 75,000 people have now been treated in Africa and clinical trials were conducted by the Malawi Government. Everyone treated is cured of malaria.
The solution Humble created is called Miracle Mineral Supplement or MMS, now available as Water Purification Drops (NACS pictured above) only. It is effective for all problems where infections are involved. It is being used for a wide range of health conditions such as herpes, flu, colds, hepatitis, abscessed teeth, and even cancer. The results have been very promising.
Jim Humble authored The Master Mineral Solution of the Third Millennium detailing the results of his scientific results and testimonials from many who have supported his cause.
The writer runs a London therapists directory which includes much information about holistic health in London and also more about miracle mineral supplements.
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